Cadillac At 100
Legacy of Leadership
2 volume, Hardcover Set
by Maurice D Hendry
Vol.1 covers from the beginning through the Classic period and into WWII.
Vol.2 goes from fins to CTS.
A must for any Cadillac enthusiast!
$40 + $16 Priority or $11 Media
PayPal or Cash App accepted
Pam 717 933-0222 Mon - Thu
The Chevrolet Performance Team Unleashes a Legend
Hardcover by Jeffrey K. Leestma
"For years to come, this book will be the authoritative pictorial history of the continuation of the COPO legend"
$30 + $16 Priority or $8 Media
Pam 717 933-0222 Mon - Thu
100 Years of Chevrolet
by by John Kramer, Ralph Burton and Jerry Durnell
160 page Hardcover
A very special, detailed history presented in a very, entertaining manner!
$60 + $16 Priority or $10 Media
Pam 717 933-0222 Mon - Thu
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Welcome to our website! I am looking forward to great photos (and maybe videos) of your Corvett, and other favorite cars and or motorcycles, and others of different "wheels" and events you enjoy.
It is good to write about your "wheels" adventures on the blog, as we all enjoy stories from our members.
One of the real strengths of our website is the feature that any member can add events whenever they find one that we have overlooked! You do not have to "submit" through emails or the postal service, etc.
Please invite your family and friends as this helps the site grow and improves your social network communications. Add me as a site Friend, too, and I will keep you up to date on announcements and special events.
If I can help at all with your projects and events, call me at 770-883-0160
Mike Thies