Time: May 2, 2020 from 5pm to 7pm
Location: High Street Business Area
Street: High Street Pottstown PA
City/Town: Pottstown
Event Type: car, cruise, by
Organized By: Red Horse Motoring Club
Latest Activity: May 1, 2020
Calling all car show peeps in the Tri-county area!!!! While the kickoff date (May 2nd) of our 2020 Pottstown Nights car show season has been canceled, we are encouraging all to get your cars and trucks out, dust'm off and come out this Saturday night for a "cruise by" on High St!!!! We will not have the barriers out or any of the normal setup... so please do not get out of your car (unless picking up "to go" food) and obey all normal laws and lights! Do a High St drive by a few times and enjoy the night! 5pm to 7pm. Our next car show on High St is scheduled for June 6th, we will let all know if that will happen as normal once the city lets us know! Stay healthy and have fun this Saturday night!!! @jjratiganbrewingco @splittingedge @ipickpottstown @pottstownunitedbrewingcompany @pottstownstreetcars @pottstownfarm @kikivodkabar @pottsandpennfamilydiner @eastwoodco @classicautomall @hagerty @blueelephantbar @lilysgrill @grumpys_137 @montesanobros @tricountyareachamber @wheels_in_motion_pottstown @tricountyyoungprofessionals @tricountylexus @tricounty_tire_wheel @tricountytowingllc @tricountywv @thealleyonhighstreet @Beverly's #highstcarshow #pottstownnights #cruisein #tricountyperformance #classiccar #lamborghini #mopar #chevrolet #obeythestreetlights
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