Pic-A-Day (1163) Albert Mach Fine Art
1907 Ford Model R
This auto was seen at The Tupelo Auto Museum
The following is from the Model T Ford Club of America.
Model "R"
Ever since the Ford Model "N" Runabout Was first announced and more especially since the quality and powers of that car have become known to the world of motordom there has been a large and increasing demand for a car of similar construction, power and endurance, but more pretentious in outward appearance. A runabout more richly dressed and equipped With those frills and fussings that are dear to the hearts of more fastidious owners---persons who like something specially nice and to whom price, while a consideration, is a matter of secondary importance.
Aware of this demand, solicitous competitor---friends have wondered and have asked repeatedly why the price of the Ford runabout was not set at a higher figure at first---say $800 or more, a figure at which it was admitted we could sell all we could make in the next year or two at least. But Ford's plans are always known to his imitators---afterward.
Anyone who has followed the development of the motor car in America has noticed that Ford has always been a year ahead. Each successive move he has made has suggested something to tardy imitators---an opportunity that had apparently escaped his keen eye. But while they are busy copying the latest Ford, behold! he brings forth another that leaves them hopelessly behind again. And this last is the product of the ripest experience---their's can at best be a poor copy and consequently an experiment so far as they are concerned. And thus the procession ever moves onward, Ford, the originator, the creator in the lead, imitators, copyists following his train, boastful but impotent.
The Model "R" Ford Runabout is but the latest example of this habit Ford has of anticipating every move of those who would presume to compete with the Ford product.
Waiting only until the motoring public had had time and opportunity to know the true value and the excellence of the Model "N" motor and chassis, he has proceeded to build a companion model to suit the more fastidious tastes and requirements of the class of buyers above indicated. Physicians, professional men in all branches, bankers and wealthy business men who already have one or more large touring cars but who feel a need for a light runabout that will emancipate them, on occasion, from the professional chauffeur---a car one can drive himself and derive keen pleasure from; one his wife or son or daughter can handle with equal ease and facility and which will negotiate congested city streets as well as country roads with greater safety and celerity than a more cumbersome runabout or touring car. Such a car is this latest Ford Model "R."
In fact this latest model has been well described as "an edition deluxe of the Ford Model 'N' Runabout."
The Ford Model "N" motor and chassis has proven to have more strength and power than is necessary under any conditions for the size of the car, It was not necessary, therefore, to apply a larger motor or heavier axles, frame or transmission to produce the more pretentious appearing Model "R." The chief points of difference between the two models are as follows: 30" x 3" tires which enhance the speed qualities of the machine---forty-five miles an hour easily, down to four miles on high gear by throttle control alone.
Body is slightly larger, seats higher and more distance between seats and dash. Of the semi-individual type, seats are luxuriously upholstered in first grade M. B. leather and curled hair. Panels more highly finished, tastefully striped and neatly ironed for top, the ironing following the contour of the seats.
The beetle-back is rounded instead of pointed and is made larger to receive the larger extra tire.
Large plow-share fenders at the front, the edges turned over in angle form to eliminate vibration and lend stiffness; rear fenders semi-enclosed and curved to follow the contour of the wheels, lend an imposing appearance to the machine. Fenders are connected by a wide rubber-covered running board with brass angle moldings round the sides and ends.
Ignition system is the best obtainable and the standard equipment includes a six-volt storage battery beside a set of six dry cell batteries.
Add to the above a pair of handsome oil lamps, tail lamp and large French tube horn, brass operating lever, steering post and brass molding around dash and you have one of the nattiest and tastiest cars ever turned out. And in performance-endurance, silence, ease of control, flexibility, speed and hill climbing ability, it has no rival, no equal at less than $1,000---and we know of none even at that figure. Price, $750.00, f.o.b., Detroit.
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