Pic-A-Day (238) Albert Mach Fine Art - 1909 Hudson Model 20

Pic-A-Day (238) Albert Mach Fine Art.
1909 Hudson Model 20
This is a General interest post for auto aficionados sharing a pictorial history over the decades.
I hope you enjoy the educational - historical information...
This was seen at the Ypsilanti Automotive Heritage Museum
Hudson (From their web site)
The Hudson Motor Car Company was founded in Detroit during July 1909 producing vehicles through 1954, merging with the Nash-Kelvinator Corporation on May 1, 1954 to form American Motors Corporation. Over its forty-eight year history, Hudson built 3¾ million vehicles. Hudson vehicles were always regarded as over engineered and over built. In 1919 Hudson introduced the ESSEX series of cars as a lower priced Hudson built line. In 1922 Essex introduced the first closed car at an open car priced saving purchasers hundreds of dollars. During 1929 Essex sales propelled the Hudson Motor Car company to 3rd place in U.S. sales.
1932 would see the introduction of the all-new all-steel smaller Terraplane with Amelia Earhart as spokesperson. Terraplanes set many records for speed and endurance. In December 1947, Hudson would revolutionize the auto industry with the introduction of the Mono-Bilt body and chassis combination that passengers stepped down into. This car was fully one-foot lower than the competition and featured a large roomy interior and fantastic riding and roadability characteristics and excellent performance.
In 1951 Hudson introduced a new luxury line, the Hornet series with a 308 cubic inch six cylinder engine and dual carburetion which totally dominated the sport of stock car racing for the next four years. During 1952, Hudson Hornets would win 27 out of 34 NASCAR stock car races.
1953 saw the introduction of the Hudson Jet series of small economical cars featuring room for six passengers and featuring good performance. Jet options were the same as the big Hudson models. As history repeats itself, the Jet was over engineered, over built and become over priced for the low-priced market. Jet’s were only built two years as the merger into American Motors would bring the better selling Nash Rambler line to Hudson showrooms.
Hudson production would end in Detroit during October 1954 and would transfer to the AMC plants at Milwaukee and Kenosha Wisconsin. 1957 would be the last year Hudson was manufactured.

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