September 8, 2018 from 10am to 2pm – Gilbertsville, PA Top 40 and 17 Special Awards Great Food and Door Prizes Registration start at 9 am Rain Date 9/9/18 1:30 pm to 5:30 pm Organized by George Sweeney/Church Contact Gil Vining | Type: car, show, for, the, benefit, of, happy, 2, be, home
September 15, 2018 from 10am to 3pm – Saint Catherine of Siena Catholic Church 5th Annual Show in conjunction with the Parish Flea Market! Food, water ice, music, face painting. Lots of great door prizes and trophies. Benefits Knights of Columbus Charities and the new electro… Organized by Anthony Gray | Type: car, show, fundraiser, benefiting, various, knights, of, columbus, charities
September 22, 2018 from 8am to 4pm – Historic Bowman Field Complex This benefit Show now at 20 classes with over 60 trophies being awarded. Facebook Page is the name of the show. Organized by Charlie D. Lumbard | Type: benefit, for, a, person, in, need, of, kidney, transplant.
October 6, 2018 from 11am to 3pm – 3159 NORTH SUSQUEHANNA TRAIL, YORK,PA. A CAR SHOW TO RAISE MONEY FOR THE YORK SPCA.motors%20and%20mutts%20oct.%20show%20jpg.jpgmotors%20and%20mutts%20oct.%20show%20jpg.jpg Organized by theresa adamski | Type: fundraiser, for, the, spca, of, york, county
September 21, 2019 from 9am to 5pm – Maurice D. Hinchey Catskill Visitor Center for the start at 9am A tour over a 75 mile section of the historic route of the 1903 Endurance Run through the Catskill Park and Delaware County, NY. With six host checkpoints, festivals and attractions we cover the Cats… Organized by Robert Selkowitz | Type: non-competitive, tour, on, historic, route, of, 1903, auto, run
June 14, 2020 all day – 3449 Burnet Ave. @ Thompson Road Largest All Pontiac & GMC Show in New York State located in the heart of New York State Organized by Bob Conniff - Show Chairman | Type: six, nations, chapter, of, poci, annual, show
September 26, 2020 all day – Hammond's Grove/Path Valley Picnic Woods. 1/4 N of Spring Run, off Rte 75 @nd Annual Car & Truck Show Open to all cars, trucks & street rods Saturday September 26, 2020 Hammond's Grove Picnic Woods 18898 Hammond Road, Spring Run. Pa 17262 (1/4 north of Spring Run o… Organized by Tamara Adams & Robert B Runk | Type: fundraiser, to, preserve, history, and, events, of, path, valley
March 20, 2021 from 11am to 1pm – Nj OK CAR SHOW FAMILYNEW DATE MARCH 20TH11AM TIL.1PMRAIN OR SHINE Car Meet and Greet CrusieRACKS Williamstown 2021 Black Horse Pike let's come together to help raise money to help cover the cost of this… Organized by Henry Vanhorn | Type: to, help, pay, funeral, costs, of, my, daughter, and, friend, carshow, families
September 9, 2023 from 9am to 2pm – Hatfield, Pa Registrations are getting out of hand at some shows, but not's still $15. All proceeds go to local charities. Lunch coupons going to show goers. Our Troop 141 is taking care of the cookin… Organized by Jerry | Type: proceeds, of, show, go, to, local, charities
June 10, 2024 to June 15, 2024 – Wyndham Gettysburg Imagine over 250 Cadillacs and LaSalles of all model years all in one place! Imagine a few dozen flea market-type vendors selling Cadillac and LaSalle parts and literature, all in that same place! D… Organized by Cadillac and LaSalle Club | Type: annual, national, meet, of, the, cadillac, &, lasalle, club
Cadillac At 100
Legacy of Leadership
2 volume, Hardcover Set
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Vol.2 goes from fins to CTS.
A must for any Cadillac enthusiast!
$40 + $16 Priority or $11 Media
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Pam 717 933-0222 Mon - Thu
The Chevrolet Performance Team Unleashes a Legend
Hardcover by Jeffrey K. Leestma
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$30 + $16 Priority or $8 Media
Pam 717 933-0222 Mon - Thu
100 Years of Chevrolet
by by John Kramer, Ralph Burton and Jerry Durnell
160 page Hardcover
A very special, detailed history presented in a very, entertaining manner!
$60 + $16 Priority or $10 Media
Pam 717 933-0222 Mon - Thu
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