April 8, 2016 to October 15, 2016 – AACA Museum Visit to see this summer exhibit here at the AACA Museum! Mods and Rockers were two conflicting British youth subcultures of the 1960s. This exhibit examines the “Mods & Rockers” era in the UK. T… Organized by AACA Museum | Type: exhibit
April 8, 2016 at 6pm to July 31, 2016 at 7pm – AACA Museum HotRod Jen brings a diversity of art mediums for view at the AACA Museum!From photography to pinstriping to drawing and glass mosaics Jen enjoys all forms of art.Jennifer Thomas, aka “HotRod Jen,” co… Organized by AACA Museum | Type: exhibit
June 9, 2016 at 8am to June 11, 2016 at 6pm – Transfer Harvest Fairgrounds Come by Parts-a-Rama in Transfer, PA, hosted by Asset Protection LTD. Classic and Antique cars and Hot Rods all welcome at our car show, swap meet, and parts flea market. Vendors welcome, too! VEND… Organized by Asset Protection LTD | Type: swap meet, car show
June 10, 2016 at 8am to June 12, 2016 at 3pm – Dutchess County Fairgrounds General Admission (ages 13+) - $20.00; Kids (ages 7-12) - $6.00; Kids (ages 6 & under) - FREE Parking - $10.00 fee charged by Fairgrounds Kick-off the summer hot rodding season in style with th… Organized by Bre Ann Houston | Type: car, show
June 11, 2016 to June 12, 2016 – 233 Bowers Rd, Bowers Pa 31st Annual Show All types of antique running equipment from your grandparents day. Live entertainment Saturday and Sunday afternoon. Parades and children's games. Flea Markets Garden Tractor pu… Organized by Richard Miller | Type: community, show
June 11, 2016 all day – Hoffer Park, Middletown, PA Fast~n~Loud III Cruise-In to benefit the Middletown Historic Society brought to you by Central Pa Car Shows. CALL FOR CONFORMATION AND INFORMATION. Organized by Central PA Car Shows | Type: car, show
June 11, 2016 from 7am to 3pm – latimaore Valley Fairgrounds 15 classes, 12 judged. Featured car, station wagons, all years. Othyer cars & trucks through 1991. Registration is $10 until 6/4, $15 thereafter, fles market is $15 until 6/4, $20. thereafter. Fr… Organized by Rick Engle | Type: antique, auto, &, truck, show
June 11, 2016 from 8am to 3pm – John Rudy County Park To benefit Sunshine Kids (sunshinekids.org) - helping kids fight cancer. Organized by Marty Clayton | Type: car, &, truck, show, fundraiser
June 11, 2016 from 8am to 4pm – Fleetwood Park 11th Annual Fleetwood Rotary Show of Wheels- June 11th 2016 Fleetwood Park *Cars *Trucks*Motorcycles* Special Guests (11:30 – 2:30) - Reading Royals Mascot “Slapshot” and Berks County Sheriff’s Dept… Organized by Fleetwood Rotary Club | Type: *cars, *trucks*motorcycles*
June 11, 2016 from 8am to 12pm – Stowe Crossing Shopping Center Come Join us Saturday, June 11th at our Pottstown Cars and Coffee event. Stop by anytime from 8am to Noon.These events have become great places / times for car enthusiasts to get together and meet,… Organized by brad ray | Type: cruise-in
June 11, 2016 from 9am to 4pm – Boathouse Road off Rt 39 The Elegance at Hershey has brought back the historic hill climb with a weekend where we endeavor to recreate the look and feel of the early days of the sport. Modeled, in part, on the previous Hersh… Organized by Don Stabilito | Type: antique, car, race
June 11, 2016 from 9am to 3pm – Gov. Printz Park The 6th Annual Governor Printz Antique Car Show in Essington, PA. ~ Saturday June 11th 2016. On the Riverfront, in Historic and Scenic Governor Printz Park. This is a pre ‘90s Show, open to Cars an… Organized by Ron McAllister | Type: fundraiser
June 11, 2016 from 9am to 6pm – Oak Ridge Park 1st Annual Rescue Motorcycle Run And Carshow136 Oak Ridge Road Clark NJ 07066June 11th 2016 (Raindate on June 18th)MC Run Carshow & Pet Contest Special.Appearance By The State Trooper Helicopter… Organized by Mayan Mobile | Type: 1st, anuual, rescue, motorcycle, run, and, carshow
June 11, 2016 from 10am to 3pm – Boathouse Road off Rt 39 They are forgotten and forlorn- never the centerpiece of a dedicated gathering at an automotive event but each has a story to tell. This is a perfect opportunity to celebrate this part of our hobby.… Organized by Don Stabilito | Type: car, show
June 11, 2016 from 10am to 2pm – Normandie Ridge Senior Center Free lunch for driver and passenger, trophies, dash plaques, door prizes. CALL FOR INFORMATION Organized by Robert Heidlebaugh | Type: car, show
June 11, 2016 from 11am to 3pm – Cornerstone Bible Church Cornerstone Auto Outreach Team of Cornerstone Bible Church is happy to present Spring Fling 2016. The show will go on rain or shine Three trophies will be awarded in each of our ten classes as well… Organized by Dennis Benton Jr | Type: car, show
June 11, 2016 from 12pm to 4pm – Bradford County route 220 going towards Canton at the Monroeton Hose Park First annual Monroe Hose Co Car Show in Monroeton Pa for our Old Homes Day Carnival June 8th -11 th Registration will begin before 12:00 pm and Trophy Presentation will be at 3:00 pm for Best Of sho… Organized by Reno Blasingim | Type: monroe, hose, co, car, show, and, carnival
June 11, 2016 from 2pm to 6pm – Newburg Deli & Catering Open to all Years and Models of Mopar, This is a family friendly event, Come out for great cars and great food... Hamburgers, Deli Sandwiches Wraps, Panini's and cheese steaks. Organized by Mike brown | Type: cruise, in
June 11, 2016 from 2:30pm to 7:30pm – Upper Moreland Township School Campus The Willow Grove Lions Club invites you to come be a part of our 36th annual vehicle show! Registration opens 2:30 PM, show time 4:00-8:00 PM. Show is open to all motor vehicles. Awards: Top 30 by po… Organized by The Lions Club of Willow Grove | Type: charity, fundraiser
June 11, 2016 from 4pm to 8pm – The Bobcat Creamery Motor Menders Rod & Custom Trophies, Dash Plaques, 50/50 Oldies music, Lots of good food Free, All Vehicles Welcome Organized by Steve Smith | Type: cruise
June 11, 2016 from 4:30pm to 8:30pm – Tractor Supply Auto Zone Lewistown Weekly cruise in, weather permitting. 4:30-8:30PM @ Tractor Supply/Auto Zone in Lewistown, PA. Business Rt 22/522. Always a good crowd, no cost, all are welcome and tell your friends!! Come and j… Organized by Tim Drake Keystone State Muscle Cars | Type: weekly, cruise, in
June 11, 2016 from 5pm to 8pm – IRON SKILLET 5/14/16-5-8PM,6/3/16-6-9PM,6/11/16-5-8PM 6/17/16-6-9PM,7/9/16-5-8PM,7/15/16-6-9PM, 8/5/16-6-9PM,8/13/16-5-8PM,8/26/16-6-9PM, 9/10/16-5-8PM,10/08/16-5-8PM-$2.00 DONATION FOR OUR CHARITY RONALD MCDONAL… Organized by BRIAN BAKER/ERIC SHAVER | Type: cruise
June 11, 2016 from 5:30pm to 9:30pm – Norwin Hills Shopping Center Rain or Shine, Rt 30 West, 1/4 mile from exit 67 off the PA Turnpike, CRUISE CARS ARE NOT PERMITTED IN THE MALL UNTIL AFTER 5PM. Rods, Antiques and Classic Cars and Trucks, DJ and Fun, 450-500 cars e… Organized by Gary Kee | Type: cruise
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